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Eagle's Flight Service
CEO Leadership Program
My First Move: Why do people become leaders?
In my first move I discuss what makes a person and why they would choose to become a leader. This is the beginning of my research and sets the stage for the evolution of my Capstone. 

 Introduction: My Topic Of Leadership


My name is Derek Franklin and my senior Capstone is about Leadership. I have been interested in leadership since I was a little kid. I attended a month long leadership program hosted at a summer camp in Canada in between my sophomore and junior year. This camp taught me a lot as we ventured to find what made a person a leader. This camp was entitled CEO which stood for Challenge, Experience, Opportunity. They utilized "Eagle's Flight" a leadership initiative focused on the development and delivery of leadership skills in the workplace. This service is utilized by companies all over the world to develop and enhance executives leadership skills in and out of the workplace. This program is what sparked my interest in leadership and my interest in my future career in Business.
I started my research looking at what interested me. I began with my favorite school topic, History. I read this book on my shelf called, "Badass: A Relentless Onslaught of the Toughest Warlords, Vikings, Samurai, Pirates, Gunfighters, and Military Commanders to Ever Live."  In the first few months of school as I did initial research and searched for a topic Mr. Inoyue sort of chuckled every time he flashed over mine to see my topic was about badasses. It wasn't until I was elected as captain of my basketball team that I realized how important Leadership was. Immediately following this I decided to switch my topic to Leadership. 
Throughout my moves I learned a lot about Leadership. I navigate through definitions of a leader into why someone would choose to become one. In my second move I look at what qualities make people good leaders. In my third, I compare these qualities to leaders I had researched and read about. In my fourth and final move I used a realworld example to see how these qualities were represented in the current political elections by comparing two controversial candidates. 


This service is utilized by companies all over the world to develop and enhance executives leadership skills inside and outside of the workplace. This program is what sparked my interest in leadership and my interest in my future career in Business. You can find out more about this service at their website below.

I attended a month long leadership program hosted at a summer camp in Canada in between my sophomore and junior year. This camp taught me a lot as we ventured to find what made a person a leader. This camp was entitled CEO which stood for Challenge, Experience, Opportunity. They utilized "Eagle's Flight" a leadership initiative focused on the development and delivery of leadership skills in the workplace. 

Initial Research



In my initial research stage I read:


"Badass: A Relentless Onslaught of the Toughest Warlords, Vikings, Samurai, Pirates, Gunfighters, and Military Commanders to Ever Live."


For a peek inside the book offered by Amazon follow the link below.

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